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Weight of Glory

Weight of Glory is a grown-up kids album, full of Bible stories and meditations, but oriented more toward Dad and Mom. Full of delights and wonders, these songs will make you feel the weight of Glory.

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(Gen 4)
© Jamie Soles Feb 17 2003


Cain, Cain, Cain where is Abel your brother
Cain, Cain, what have you done
Cain, Cain, your brother's blood is crying out to Me
Cain, Cain, crying from the ground
Cain, Cain, the earth no more will yield the good to you
Cain, Cain, it will not be your servant
Cain, Cain, the land you tread will be a curse to you
Cain, Cain, and cursed you will return it
Cain, Cain, you shall be a fugitive now
Cain, Cain, running from My presence
Cain, Cain, you will be a restless wanderer
Cain, Cain, driven, driven

Cain, Cain, eastward from the land of Eden
Cain, wander in the land of Nod
Cain, turning from your God
From His place, from His face
From His grace, to this waste, oh Cain

Don't despair, there is still tomorrow
I still care, though you've chosen sorrow
But vengeance wears a wreath of pain
And you shall bear it as the mark of Cain

Waiting for Me

(Gen 41:45)
© Jamie Soles Sept 19 2005


I remember when I was a boy
My father often told me
If she will not love the Lord your God
Don't give her a second look, boy
But the second looks were far between
As far as the border with a desert in between

I was seventeen when I left my home
Chained in a line for a land unknown
And the likelihood, it seemed so small
I would ever find a love at all
And I told you 'bout all that I've been through
Of the prison and the darkness before you
Before you

But the sun has risen and it shines so bright
Eyes are open and to my delight
The gifts of God are good to me
Who would have thought it could be?
You were waiting for me

Now our boys are growing in this interim land
We are settled down, but the promise stands
Everybody's got a job to do
Mine is here and I'll see it through
Time and again I bless the day
When the Lord of Heaven put you in my way

Now the sun has risen and it shines so bright
Eyes are open and to my delight
The gifts of God are good to me
Who would have thought it could be?
You were waiting for me

I’ve Got a Day

(Ex 16:23)
© Jamie Soles Dec 12 1998


Foaming waters of a raging sea
Muddy river rolling over me
I was driven, given no relief
And oppression was the air I breathed
I was shackled like a foreign slave
To my shovel, digging my own grave
Like a blind man at a masquerade
I saw nothing

You saw me toeing the line
And called me to leave it behind
And You told me...
I've got a day
I've got a day
There'll come a day
Just for you

My old masters coming down that hill
To the water; I recall them still
Many jackals closing for the kill
For the end of me, and never free
From my service like they had before
Never ending, there was always more
I remember when they washed ashore
I rejoiced

You saw me chained in the line
And freed me to pleasures divine
And You told me
I've got a day (I've got a day)
I've got a day (a Sabbath day)
There'll come a day unto Me just for you
I've got a day (I've got a day)
I've got a day (a Sabbath day)
There'll be a day unto Me just for you


(Josh 18:1–4)
© Jamie Soles Mar 14 2005


How long?
How long will you put taking possession of this land
Which the Lord God of your fathers has given you?
Three men; give me three from every tribe
Who will go into this land on an errand to describe
They shall bring it back to me, we will let the lot divide

At Shiloh, at the tent of meeting
Shiloh, our resolve is fleeting
Shiloh, where our feet and hearts grow cold
Shiloh, where the people gather
Shiloh, where it seems they'd rather die than
Possess like they've been told

You've seen:
With your very eyes you've seen all that the Lord has done for you
You were slaves, but He bore you on eagle's wings
Now, now the job is halfway done
There's a lot of land to conquer yet before our rest is won
Should these chariots of iron make you turn your back and run

Come to Shiloh; to the tabernacle
Shiloh, where the priests are serving
Shiloh, where your God remains to dwell
Shiloh, with your sacrifices
Shiloh; If you love the Lord of
Shiloh, your warfare will go well

Under His Wings

(Ruth 1)
© Jamie Soles May 30 2001


I was born in the house of a foreign god
I was raised a stranger
Promises, covenants meant nothing to me
I was without hope, without You, without You
You sent a famine, You sent them hungry
And when I fed them, they filled my ears about You
Now I'm hungry, too
Hungry for You... tell me
When can I come before You?
I'd gladly leave this place
I've heard Your name, but I would see Your face

Amid the dances of circumstances
I saw Your answers fade in and out of view
No time for grieving, my lady's leaving
But I am cleaving... "Won't you take me with you?
I'll go where you go, I'll stay where you stay,
Your God will be mine, I know I'd like it that way
These ten impatient years I've
Been waiting for this day
No use inducing me to stay

"I want to be one of you, can't you see, lady?
These gods of stone cannot save; let me leave them here
I would hold on to your God, I believe He can hold me
I would shelter,
I would shelter under His wings
I would shelter,
I would shelter under His wings."


(2 Sam 15:31)
© Jamie Soles Apr 22 2005


Ahithophel of Gilo, my counselor;
Your son Eliam, my mighty man;
Your granddaughter Bathsheba, my secret;
I sought not your counsel this time

In old days we two enjoyed sweet fellowship
How many times I bounced her on my knee
And good wine would flow, wisdom would show in your counsel;
And on every side I would win when I had you with me

A brother offended is harder to win than a city
I fear for this thing that I have done
Your counsel, Ahithophel, is like the word of God to me
But I'm afraid I've heeded neither one...

Ahithophel of Gilo, my counsellor;
Your son Eliam, my mighty man;
Your granddauther Bathsheba, my secret;
I needed your counsel this time

Confession of a Fool

(Ps 14)
© Jamie Soles Sept 29 1996


We have been wrong, we have done wrong
Not a one of us can say
We have sought You or believed You
We together turned away
And though our hearts delight in breaking every rule
And we've offered the confession of a fool
Still redeeming love was reaching
Turning old men into new

They are foolish who ignore You
Who devour Your people dear
Who refuse to call upon You
They are overcome with fear
For the Lord who fights our battles, He is strong
And any foes who rise against us won't last long
For salvation comes from heaven
To the ones You call Your own
And though the ones who practice evil You despise
For there is no fear of God before their eyes
O God have mercy, like You've shown me
Let these foolish ones be wise
For there are many who don't recognize Your rule
Who still offer the confession of a fool
O Send Your Spirit like You promised
Turn these old men into new
O Send Your Spirit like You promised
Turn these old men into new


(Prov 8)
© Jamie Soles Feb 11 1997


I've been crying
I've been crying aloud in the street for you
Calling out after you
Don't you hear my voice
You will find me to be true
I've been waiting
And I wait not for me but for you
You would love me if you only knew me
And you'll take my advice if you know what's good for you
For nothing you desire compares with me
I've been building
I have built me a house
And my cupboard is full as my table
I have sent my servants out to the marketplace
For the best the world can give
Come and hear me
Let me tell you the truth
For no lies will these lips ever utter
Come with me and eat my bread and drink my wine
Leave your ways and follow mine
For nothing you desire compares with me
There is another; I know her well
Do not be taken by her eyes
For the simple are the ones she loves
To bind up with her lies
She says "Stolen water is sweet
And so is secret bread"
But the dead are in her basement
In her closet, in her bed... I've been crying
I've been crying, and crying I'll stay
In the streets and the courts and the kitchens
My voice will be heard, calling your name
It's you that I want and I have no shame
I've been crying, and crying I'll be
Whatever it takes to bring you to me
If you hate yourself you could turn around and leave
For nothing you desire compares with me
Nothing you desire compares with me

What Are You Doing Here

(1 Kg 19)
© Jamie Soles May 5 2001


Arise and eat, Elijah
The food is waiting on the coals,
A weariness is in your soul
That you can ill afford
Arise and eat, Elijah
The journey is too great for you
You need this strength to make it to
The mountain of the Lord

What are you doing here, Elijah?
In quiet words to me
What are you doing here, Elijah?
He tells me who to be

Now go into the northlands,
Anoint the kings I tell you to,
Appoint the man to follow you,
And do not be afraid
For I will build My kingdom,
The gates of hell cannot prevail
And My Anointed will not fail,
Just walk the lines I've laid

What are you doing here, Elijah...

What are you doing here, Elijah?
The wind and quake and fire abate
What are you doing here, Elijah?
I never come too late

Who Knows

(Est 4:14)
© Jamie Soles Jun 12 2001


Who knows what you're doing here
Who knows how long you will be
Who knows what you'll do before you're done
Who knows if you are the one
Do you know what you're doing here
Do you know how long you will be
Do you know what you'll do before you're done
Do you know if you are the one

Who knows whether you've come to the kingdom for
Such a time as this
Who knows whether you've come to the kingdom for
Such a time as this
Such a time as this
God knows what you're doing here
God knows how long you will be
God knows what you'll do before you're done
God knows if you are the one

Who knows whether you've come to the kingdom for
Such a time as this....

Jesus Is Here!

(Lk 1–2)
© Jamie Soles Sept 19 2001


She was a prophetess, most of her years gone away
Now she was serving with fastings and prayers night and day
Into the Temple old Anna, she came
And saw there a child, Jesus by name
And knew that her fastings and prayers had not been in vain
And she told it to all who would hear
To all those who wait for redemption
Jesus is here!

Being a daughter of Aaron could not ease the shame
Barrenness held her and cast a reproach on her name
Then came the angel, to Elizabeth's joy
A visit from God and a new baby boy
A visit from Mary, who carried her Lord to her door
She cried "Blessed are you among women
And blessed is the fruit of your womb
Jesus is here"

Prophets, priests, and kings
Extend their welcoming
Proclaiming to all who will hear
Have no fear, Jesus is here!

Time lay the promise to David in gathering dust
Princes were carpenters; where is the heir we can trust?
But faith still remained in the heart of this line
And Mary believed it when God gave the sign
"Behold the maidservant of God, do as You would!"
And her song overflows with rejoicing
God in His mercy came near
Jesus is here!

Still Awake in Nazareth

(Mt 1:18–23)
© Jamie Soles Apr 13 2007


In the stories I've learned of king Solomon, David's son,
When he was asleep, how You showed up in a dream
And You asked him what he wanted
And wisdom was the thing he really needed
You gave it liberally

Son of David I am, and I'm wondering -
My lovely bride-to-be, my sweet Mary,
She's carrying a child, not from me, not from me
I do not want her to be put to shame
And I do not want to damage my good name
But I'd like to hear from You just the same

Can a virgin conceive and bear a son?
If God is with us, what could not be done?
Are Your common ways Your only ones?
Oh pleases... guard my Mary...
Can a virgin conceive and bear a son?
If God is with us, what could not be done?
Are Your common ways Your only ones?
Oh please... guard my Mary...

Now I lay me down to sleep....


© Jamie Soles Nov 28 1996


Joseph, Mary, nine months, carried
Census, senseless, we must go

Travel, painful, comfort, hopeful
No room, what now?
One place more

Barnyard, pungent, cattle, manger
What a time to be a stranger

Dark night, starlight, shepherds, big fright
Angels! Bright light! Good news tonight!

Master, Saviour, Promised Deliverer
Humbled, veiled, God Most High

Redemption, salvation, adoption, new creation
Propitiation, God's own Son

Songs will always ring
From those who've left their wandering
And found rest, true rest
God's own Son


(Mt 5:2–11)
© Jamie Soles Feb 26 1994


Blessed are the poor in spirit
Those who recognize their poverty
Those who know that they have nothing to bring
The kingdom of heaven is theirs
Blessed are the ones that mourn
Those who grieve for their iniquity
Those who demonstrate repentance and faith
Their comforter is the Lord

Blessed are the humble
Who believe their God in everything
Who obey His Word unquestioning
For they shall inherit the earth
Blessed are the hungry
And the thirsty after righteousness
Who are satisfied with nothing less
Their hunger and thirst shall be filled

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God
And blessed are the ones who make peace
Who carry the terms of surrender
They publish the gospel of peace and are called sons of God

Blessed are the ones that suffer
Evil deeds and scorn in Jesus' name
The poor in spirit are one and the same
The kingdom of heaven is yours
Blessed are the persecuted
Oh rejoice and be exceeding glad
For such treatment all the prophets had
And great is your waiting reward


(Mk 8:36)
© Jamie Soles Jan 18 1996


What have I got if I gain everything but I lose you
What have I got if I gain everything but I lose you
Maybe I'll say I'm too busy today
Gotta work for tomorrow and store it away but
What have I got if I gain everything but I lose you

What have I got if I gain everything but I lose you
What have I got if I gain everything but I lose you
Perhaps I could dare to remain unaware
And pretend you're not there so you're out of my hair but
What have I got if I gain everything but I lose you
Would it be fair if I swore you're not there
And all of your calling is nothing but air but
What have I got if I gain everything but I lose you

What have I got if I gain everything but I lose you
What have I got if I gain everything but I lose you
Should I be saying I'd rather be playing
And paying my way but there's no time for praying
What have I got if I gain everything but I lose you
What if I say that tomorrow's the day
And you'll get my attention if you're willing to wait but
What have I got if I gain everything but I lose you
What have I got if I gain everything but I lose you
What have I got if I gain everything but I lose you
Would I be left like a victim of theft
Could I trade you away and have anything left
What have I got if I gain everything but I lose you
What could I say if you left me today
I would stand at the judgment with nothing to say
What have I got if I gain everything but I lose you

Weight of Glory

(2 Cor 4:7–18)
© Jamie Soles Feb 14 1997


How long has it been since you made a conscious choice
To believe that all your troubles give you reason to rejoice
Have you given up believing that you will ever win
When the pressures from the outside have assailed you from within
Lift your head if you belong to Jesus
Let His promises assure you there are better things ahead

So we do not lose heart
Even though our outer man is melting like the dew
Yet our inner man is new
All these light afflictions are only for a time
And they work for us a greater weight
A greater weight of glory all the time

Here we have this treasure enshrined in earthly tools
That the power of God is with us
We will not be found as fools
And though we are bewildered we are never in despair
Christ the Lord is our example
We will find our comfort there
And His life which is manifest within
Is displayed to every man that many more may enter in

So we do not lose heart....

Here we gaze on things that are unseen
Through the eyes of faith we see them
Flex your muscles, throw troubles to the wind
Don't you feel the weight
Feel the weight of glory

So we do not lose heart....

This Confidence in Me

(2 Tim 4:18)
© Jamie Soles Feb 18 1997


I have never been the desire of an angry mob
Hungry for my blood because I told them about God
And I have not gone hungry, I have not been thrown in jail
I have never gone to war at my own expense
Then whence becomes this confidence in me
He was Paul's Lord and He lives in me

And the Lord will deliver me from every evil work
And preserve me for His heavenly kingdom
Nothing can harm me that won't turn out for good
His promise is strong to sustain me

I have never been sent in exile to the mines
To a lonely rock in the middle of the sea
And as far as I'm aware I have not composed a threat
To this holy commonwealth, at least I haven't yet
Then why can I be sure of what I claim
He was John's Lord and He's mine the same

And the Lord will deliver me....

I beheld a cloud moving in the night
I laid awake to count the stars
When for a moment they were hidden from my sight
I was blind, but the starlight carried on

I have never seen principalities and powers
Doing battle in the spirit world for dominion of this land
And I have never seen how the Spirit changes a man
From a twisted rebel to a rejoicing son
Yet I know this is exactly what He's done
He is my Lord

And the Lord will deliver me....

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