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Songs from the 40s, 50s & 60s

Songs from the 40s, 50s and 60s is of course not a collection of hits from the mid-twentieth century, but word-for-word versions of a selection of Psalms from 42–69.

You can sing these ancient classics at home—or with your congregation in Church!

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Where Is Your God

(Ps 42)
© Jamie Soles Dec 5 2005


As the deer pants for flowing streams
So pants my soul for You, O God
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God
When shall I come and appear before God?
My tears have been my food day and night,
While they say to me continually
Where is your God? where is your God?

These things I remember as I pour out my soul
How I would go with the throng
And lead them in procession to the house of God
With glad shouts and songs of praise
A multitude keeping festival, a multitude keeping festival

Why are you cast down, O my soul
And why are you disturbed within me?
Hope in God, for I shall again give Him praise
My salvation and my God

My soul is cast down within me, therefore I remember You
From the land of Jordan and Mount Hermon, from Mount Mizar
Deep calls unto deep at the roar of Your waterfalls
All Your breakers and Your waves have gone over me
By day the Lord commands His steadfast love
And at night His song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life
By day the Lord commands His steadfast love
And at night His song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life

I say to God my Rock, "Why have You forgotten me?
Why do I go mourning from oppression of the enemy?"
As with a deadly wound in my bones my adversaries taunt me
While they say to me continually
Where is your God? where is your God?

Why are you cast down, O my soul
And why are you disturbed within me?
Hope in God, for I shall again give Him praise
My salvation and my God
Why are you cast down, O my soul
And why are you disturbed within me?
Hope in God, for I shall again give Him praise,
My salvation and my God.

Forty Four

(Ps 44)
© Jamie Soles Mar 3 2008


O God, we have heard with our ears, our fathers have told us
What deeds You performed in their days, in the days of old
You with Your own hand drove out the nations,
but them You planted
You afflicted the peoples, but You set them free
For not by their own sword did they win the land,
nor did their own arm save them
But Your right hand and arm, and the light of Your face,
for You delighted in them

You are my king, O God, ordain salvation for Jacob
Through You we push down our foes,
Through Your name we tread down those
who rise up against us
For not in my bow do I trust, nor can my sword save me
But You have saved us from our foes
and have put to shame those who hate us
In God we have boasted continually,
and we will give thanks to Your name forever

But You have rejected us, and disgraced us,
and have not gone out with our armies
You have made us turn back from the foe,
and those who hate us have gotten spoil.
You have made us like sheep for slaughter
and scattered us among the nations
You have sold Your people for a trifle, and for no high price
You have made us the taunt of our neighbours,
The derision and scorn of those around us;
You have made us a byword,
a laughingstock among the peoples
All day long my disgrace is before me,
and shame has covered my face
At the sound of the taunter and reviler,
at the sight of the enemy and the avenger


All this has come upon us though we have not forgotten You
And we have not been false to Your covenant...
Our heart has not turned back,
nor have our steps departed from Your way,
Yet You have broken us in the place of jackals
And covered us with the shadow of death,
with the shadow of death.

If we had forgotten the name of our God,
or spread out our hands to a foreign god,
Would not God discover this?
For He knows the secrets of the heart
Yet for Your sake we are killed all day long,
We are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered,
regarded as sheep to be slaughtered...
Awake! Why are You sleeping, O Lord?
Rouse Yourself! Do not reject us forever!
Why do You hide Your face?
Why do You forget our affliction and oppression?
For our soul is bowed down to the dust,
Our belly clings to the ground, our belly clings to the ground
Rise up! Come to our help!
Redeem us for the sake of Your steadfast love!
Rise up! Come to our help!
Redeem us for the sake of Your steadfast love!
Rise up! Come to our help!
Redeem us for the sake of Your steadfast love!


God Is Our Refuge

(Ps 46:1–7)
© Jamie Soles Oct 17 2005


God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble
Therefore we will not fear
Though the earth gives way (though the earth gives way)
Though the mountains be moved to the heart of the sea
Though its waters roar and foam
Though the mountains tremble at its swelling

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble
Therefore we will not fear
Though the earth gives way (though the earth gives way)
Though the mountains be moved to the heart of the sea
Though its waters roar and foam
Though the mountains tremble at its swelling

There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God
The holy habitation of the Lord Most High
(of the Lord Most High)
God is in the midst of her and she shall not be moved
God will help her when the morning dawns

The nations rage, the kingdoms totter,
He utters His voice, the earth melts
(The nations rage, the kingdoms totter,
He utters His voice, the earth melts)
The Lord of Hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our Fortress
(The Lord of Hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our Fortress)

The nations rage, the kingdoms totter,
He utters His voice, the earth melts
(The nations rage, the kingdoms totter,
He utters His voice, the earth melts)
The Lord of Hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our Fortress
(The Lord of Hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our Fortress)

Come Behold

(Ps 46:8–11)
© Jamie Soles Jul 1994


Come behold the working of the Lord
(Come behold the working of the Lord)
Who has brought destruction on the earth
(Who has brought destruction on the earth)
He makes wars to cease to the ends of the earth
(He makes wars to cease to the ends of the earth)
He breaks the bow and spear and the chariot burns
(He breaks the bow and spear and the chariot burns)

Be still and know that I am God
(I will be exalted in the nations)
Be still and know that I am God
(I will be exalted in the earth)
Be still and know that I am God
(The Lord of Hosts is with us)
Be still and know that I am God
(The God of Jacob is our hiding place)


(Ps 51)
© Jamie Soles May 1 1996


How can I face You when I have disgraced You
I fear to even be at Your door
If You give me what I deserve
I'll never see Your face anymore
God have mercy, I know what I have done
Black and white seemed so gray
But it won't go away
And my folly is always before me waiting

I have despised You right to Your face
You'll be righteous no matter what You might say
But I've heard Your mercy is great
And that's all that has brought me here today
Please forgive me and take away this shame
For I want to be true, like You've wanted me to
So I'm begging of You to remake me now

You do not desire sacrifice
Or I would bring You what You ask
A broken, contrite heart You won't despise
The sacrifice of a broken heart
Is what brings You delight
May I bring the sacrifice You desire

Purge me and scourge me and I will be clean
Make me glad to hear the sound of Your voice
Blot out the stain of my sin
Let the bones You have broken rejoice
Please renew me and keep me in Your sight
In Your generous way give me will to obey
I will sing of Your praise to the nations now


Be Merciful to Me

(Ps 57)
© Jamie Soles Nov 7 2005


Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me
For in You my soul takes refuge
In the shadow of Your wings I will stay
Till the storms of destruction pass by
Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me
For in You my soul takes refuge
In the shadow of Your wings I will stay
Till the storms of destruction pass by

I cry out to God Most High
To God who fulfills His purpose for me
He will send from heaven and save me
He will put to shame him who tramples on me
God will send out His steadfast love
God will send out His faithfulness

My soul is in the midst of lions, I lie down amid the fiery beasts
(The children of man, whose teeth are spears and arrows)
My soul is in the midst of lions, I lie down amid the fiery beasts
(The children of man, whose tongues are sharp swords)

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens
Let Your glory be over all the earth
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens
Let Your glory be over all the earth

They set a net for my steps, my soul was bowed down
(They dug a pit in my way, but they have fallen in themselves)
My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast
(I will sing, I will make a melody)
Awake, my glory! Awake, O harp and lyre!
(I will awaken the dawn!)

I will give thanks to You O God, among the peoples
I will sing praises to Your nameamong the nations
For Your steadfast love is great to the heavens
And Your faithfulness to the clouds

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens
Let Your glory be over all the earth
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens
Let Your glory be over all the earth

Fifty Eight

(Ps 58)
© Jamie Soles Mar 31 2009


Do you indeed decree what is right, you gods?
Do you judge the sons of man uprightly?
No, in your hearts you devise wrongs,
Your hands deal out violence on the earth...
The wicked are estranged from the womb;
They go astray from birth, speaking lies
They have venom like the venom of a serpent,
Like the deaf adder that stops his ear
So that it does not hear
The voice of the charmer or the cunning enchanter

O God, break the teeth in their mouths,
Tear out the fangs of the young lions, O Lord!
Let them vanish like water that runs away;
When he aims his arrows, let them be blunted.
Let them be like the snail that dissolve into slime,
Like the stillborn child who never sees the sun.
Sooner than your pots can feel the heat of thorns
Whether green or ablaze, may he sweep them away!

The righteous will rejoice when he sees the vengeance,
He will bathe his feet in the blood of the wicked.
Mankind will say, "Surely there is a reward!"
The righteous will rejoice when he sees the vengeance,
He will bathe his feet in the blood of the wicked.
Mankind will say "There is a reward for the righteous;
Surely there is a God who judges on earth,
Surely there is a God who judges on earth!"



(Ps 58)
© Jamie Soles Aug 12 1997


You claim to be wise, you say you judge well
Your voice is the fortress of reason
But truth must be told, your heart and your hands
Are given to violence and treason
Right from the womb, as soon as they're born
The wicked man lies like a stranger
A serpent he's like, and ready to strike
The one who makes peace is in danger

Break their teeth in their mouths oh God
Break out the fangs of the lions oh Lord
Let them flow away as the rivers that run continually
When he bends his bow let his arrows be broken
Let him be like a snail that dissolves as he goes
Like a child who is born with no life, may he not see the sun
May he not see the sun

Like crackling thorns, briars and dust
No heat and no light, only choking
You take them away, like a whirlwind away
In wrath that is living and burning
The righteous rejoice when we see You take vengeance
Our feet we will wash in the wicked man's blood
"Righteousness pays" the people will say
For the righteous man's God is the Judge in this world


Like Dogs

(Ex 31)
© Jamie Soles Sept 22 2006


Deliver me from my enemies, O my God
Protect me from those who rise up against me
Deliver me from those who work evil
And save me from bloodthirsty men
For behold they lie in wait for my life
Fierce men stir up strife against me
For no transgression or sin of mine, O Lord,
For no fault of mine they run and make ready

Awake! Come to meet me and see!
You, Lord God of hosts, are God of Israel
Rouse Yourself to punish all the nations
Spare none of those who treacherously plot evil

Each evening they come back
Howling (howling) like dogs
and prowling (prowling) about the city
There they are (there they are)
Bellowing with their mouths
With swords in their lips
"For who" they think, "will hear us?"

But You O Lord laugh at them
You hold all the nations in derision
(O my Strength, I will watch for You)
For You, O Lord my God, are my fortress
My God in His steadfast love will meet me
God will let me look in triumph on my enemies

Kill them not, lest my people forget
Make them totter by Your power and bring them down
O Lord our shield
For the sin of their mouths, for the words of their lips
Let them be trapped in their pride
For the cursing and the lies that they utter
Consume them in wrath, consume them till they are no more,
That they may know
That God rules over Jacob to the ends of the earth
Each evening they come back
Howling (howling) like dogs and prowling (prowling) about the city
They wander about for food
And growl if they do not get their fill

But I will sing of Your strength
I will sing aloud of Your steadfast love in the morning
For You have been to me a fortress
And a refuge in the day of my distress
O my strength, I will sing praises to You
For You, O God, are my fortress
The God who shows me steadfast love

Answer Us

(Ps 60)
© Jamie Soles Nov 29 2007


O God, You have rejected us, broken our defences
You have been angry, oh, restore us
You have made the land to quake
You have torn it open
Repair its breaches, for it totters
You have made Your people see hard things
You have given us wine to drink that made us stagger

You have set up a banner for those who fear You
That they may flee to it from the bow
That Your beloved ones might be delivered
Give salvation by Your right hand and answer us
Answer us

God has spoken in His holiness
"With exultation I will divide up Shechem
And portion out the vale of Succoth
Gilead is Mine, Manasseh is Mine, Ephraim is My helmet
Judah is My scepter, Moab My washbasin
Upon Edom I cast My shoe
Over Philistia I shout in triumph


Who will bring me to the fortified city?
Who will lead me to Edom?
Have You not rejected us, O God?
You do not go forth, O God, with our armies
Oh grant us help against the foe
For vain is the salvation of man
with God we shall do valiantly,
It is He who will tread down our foes

To Your Name

(Ps 61)
© Jamie Soles Jan 30 2004


[Duet: Judah Soles and Nathan Shoemaker]

Hear my cry, O God
Listen to my prayer, O Lord
From the end of earth I call
Unto You when my heart is faint
Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I
For You have been my refuge strong
You are a tower against the enemy

Let me dwell in Your tent forever
Let me take refuge under the shelter of Your wings
For You, O God, have heard my vows
You have given me the heritage of those who fear Your Name
Prolong the life of the king
May his years endure to all generations
May he be enthroned forever
Before our God

Appoint steadfast love and faithfulness
To watch over him, to watch over him
Appoint steadfast love and faithfulness
To watch over him, to watch over him

So will I ever sing praises
To Your Name as I prepare my vows day by day
So will I ever sing praises
To Your Name as I prepare my vows day by day

So will I ever sing praises to Your Name
So will I ever sing praises to Your Name

Sixty Two

(Ps 62)
© Jamie Soles Dec 1 2007


For God alone my soul waits in silence;
From Him comes my salvation.
He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold
I shall not be greatly shaken
How long will all of you attack a man to batter him,
Like a leaning wall, a tottering fence?
They only plan to thrust him down from his high position
They take pleasure in falsehood.
They bless with their mouths, but inwardly they curse.
For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence
For my hope is from Him
He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress,
I shall not be shaken
On God rests my salvation and my glory
My mighty rock, my refuge is in God

Trust in Him at all times, O people;
Pour out your heart before Him
God is a refuge for us
Trust in Him at all times, O people;
Pour out your heart before Him
God is a refuge for us

Those of low estate are but a breath
Those of high estate a delusion
In the balances they go up
They are together lighter than a breath
Put no trust in extortion, set no vain hopes on robbery;
If riches increase, set not your heart on them.
Put no trust in extortion, set no vain hopes on robbery;
If riches increase, set not your heart on them.
Once God has spoken, twice have I heard this
That power belongs to God
And that to You, oh Lord, belongs steadfast love
For You will render to a man according to his work


Hear My Voice O God

(Ps 64)
© Jamie Soles Dec 5 2007


Hear my voice, O God, in my complaint;
Preserve my life from dread of the enemy.
Hide me from the secret plots of the wicked,
From the throng of evildoers,
Who whet their tongues like swords,
Who aim bitter words like arrows,
Shooting from ambush at the blameless,
Shooting at him suddenly and without fear.

They hold fast to their evil purpose
They talk of laying snares secretly
Thinking "Who can see them?"

They search out injustice
Saying "We have accomplished a diligent search."
For the inward mind and heart of a man are deep!
But God shoots His arrow at them;
They are wounded suddenly.
They are brought to ruin,
with their own tongues turned against them;
All who see them will wag their heads,
Then all mankind fears;
They tell what God has brought about
And ponder on the things He's done.

Let the righteous one rejoice in the Lord
Let the righteous one take refuge in Him.
Let all the upright in heart exult
Let all the upright in heart exult
Let the righteous one rejoice in the Lord

Sixty Seven

(Ps 67)
© Jamie Soles Apr 1993


God be merciful to us and bless us
And cause Your face to shine upon us
That Your may be known on the earth
Your salvation among all nations (repeat)

Let the peoples praise You oh God
Let all the peoples praise You
Let the nations be glad and sing for joy
For You will be our Judge
You judge the people in righteousness
You govern every nation on the earth


Let the peoples praise You oh God
Let all the peoples praise You
Then the earth shall yield her goodness Lord
And You our God, You will bless us
Yes our God, He will bless us
And all the ends of the earth will
Acknowledge the name of the Lord
And You our God, You will bless us
Yes our God, He will bless us
And all the ends of the earth will
Fear the name of the Lord
And You our God, You will bless us
Yes our God, He will bless us
And all the ends of the earth will
Revere the name of the Lord
God be merciful to us

Save Me O God

(Ps 69:1–15)
© Jamie Soles Nov 18 2005


Save me O God, for the waters have come up to my neck
I sink in deep mire where there is no foothold
I have come into deep waters and the flood sweeps over me
I am weary with my crying out
My throat is parched, my throat is parched

My eyes grow dim with waiting for my God
My eyes grow dim with waiting for my God

More in number than the hairs of my head
Are those who hate me without cause
Mighty are those who would destroy me,
who attack me with lies
What I did not steal, must I now restore?
O God, You know my folly
And my wrongs have not been hidden from You,
They are not hidden from You

Let not those who hope in You
Be put to shame through me, O Lord God of Hosts
Let not those who seek You be brought
To dishonour through me, O God of Israel

It is for Your sake that I have borne reproach
That dishonour has covered my face
I have become a stranger to my brothers,
An alien to my mother's sons.
For zeal for Your house has consumed me
The reproaches of those who reproach You have fallen on me
They have fallen on me
When I wept, and humbled my soul with fasting,
it became my reproach
When I made sackcloth my clothing,
I became a byword to them
I am the talk of those who sit in the gate
And the drunkards make their songs about me
I am the talk of those who sit in the gate
And the drunkards make their songs about me

But as for me, my prayer will be unto You, O Lord my God
When the time is right
In the abundance of Your steadfast love
Answer me in grace, in Your saving faithfulness

Deliver me from sinking in the mire
(Let me be delivered from my enemies)
Deliver me from waters deep
(Let not the flood sweep over me)
Or the deep swallow me up
Or the pit close its mouth over me, O deliver me

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