The life of Jamie Soles is all about the music—and the music is all about the Bible, and the God of the Bible.
In a recording career now approaching twenty albums, Jamie has stuck close to the role of biblical teacher. Whether rattling off biblical lists (names, patriarchs, Bible books, apostles) for easy memorization, presenting word-for-word renditions of the Psalms or other biblical texts, verging on the prophetic, or unpacking the inner beauty of the Bible’s imagery, Jamie remains preeminently a musician who brings the whole Word of God to whole families.
Explore the repertoire and share the biblical riches as well as the contagious music.
— Tim Gallant, Sept 5 2014
Music is listed from most recent to oldest.
Canada It Is!
Learn about the history of the Great White North with this collection of entertaining, educational songs. Covers the history of Canada up to Confederation, as well as a bit of geography.
Tracing the life of Jacob from Rebekah’s womb up to his encounter with God at Peniel, Supplanter gets at what’s really going on in the stories of the father of Israel.
In Those Days
A Christmas album that doesn’t sound like a Christmas album, In Those Days is a rich retelling of the Incarnation story.
Better Still
A musical march through some of the Bible’s sets of threes, Better Still will immerse you in Scripture and its symbols.
Highways to Zion
Dedicated to Jamie’s oldest son Judah, who has gone ahead to Zion, Highways to Zion is a compelling collection of music drawn from Psalms 73–88.
Giants and Wanderers
The most recent offering that could be tagged “kids music.” Bible storytelling with beautiful music for the whole family.
Songs from the 40s, 50s and 60s
As the title lightheartly suggests, a collection of songs drawn from Psalms 40–69.
Songs from the 40s, 50s and 60s album information and ordering here.
2009. Yet more Bible music for kids of every age.
Pure Words
2008. Another all-Psalms album, Pure Words starts at the beginning, tracing through 15 of the first 16 biblical Psalms.
Weight of Glory
2007. The first departure in some time from the combination of kids albums and Psalm collections, Weight of Glory nonetheless is compelling music for all ages, with deep roots in the stories of Scripture.
Fun and Prophets
2007. The early tracks in particular are arguably a small step back toward the youthfulness of pre-Memorials kids albums, but plenty to chew on nonetheless.
2006. Slightly more “grownup” than the previous family-oriented releases, but still spirited and engaging for ears both young and old.
2005. The first of Jamie’s all-Psalms albums, Ascending focuses on the Psalms of Ascent.
Up From Here
2003. Skillfully weaves moments of humour into a rich tapestry that teaches biblical imagery (and facts) to children and adults alike.
The Way My Story Goes
2002. Picks up from and improves on the Good Advice formula of catchy, soundly biblically-based music for the family.
1998. A mature, confident work, River was Jamie’s first adult solo album in six years.
Good Advice
1997. The spirited grandaddy of all the kids and family albums that were to follow, the spirited, infectious songs of Good Advice are a hit with kids. And adults cannot help but sing along too....
Prayers of the Saints
1994. Jamie wrote twelve of these fourteen songs, performed by the worship team (from McLaurin Baptist Church in Grande Prairie) he led at the time. Psalm-oriented, with plenty of grounding for Bible-shaped praise.
Over the Line
1992. With Jamie coming into his own as a musician and at the peak of his vocal powers, Over the Line surpassed everything he had released to that point, and still holds up well.
All Right with Me
1990. A rip-roaring collection of biblically-focused material by the band Damascus Road, of which Jamie was one of the front men. This release was the culmination of six years together, and the musical skills were well-honed, paired with top notch songwriting.
The hard copies of All Right with Me are out of stock, but still available digitally.
1990. The solo album that launched a long series, Jamie’s early work with Fidelity already evinces an eager embrace of Bible-based music. Originally a cassette-only release, but available digitally.